Do You Want Things To Remain As They Are?

  There are always things that are out of our control. But there are also always going to be things that we can take responsibility for and make a difference. 

We never have to allow drama to perpetuate. We can stop the madness. Jump off of the drama triangle. 

We do not have to live in the mud pit of hatred. Overcome evil with good and love and kindness.

We do not have to suffer the pain of bitterness. Forgive. I know. It’s so hard to do but it replaces the stench of being wronged with the beautiful fragrance of freedom.

We do not have to look hopelessly at the darkness, the problems and despair. We can open our eyes to the possibilities, love or the face of God and find hope.

We can accept conditions as they are or we can take responsibility for making a difference.

No excuses.

Brave kindness and stubborn goodness and determined strength and sound foundational wisdom and eternal Love will guide your efforts each step of the way.


deeclarknz.comI absolutely love the feel of the sun’s warmth on my face. I always have. When the chill of winter disappears, I’m in heaven. Every fiber of my being comes alive. A warm glow surfaces to my outlook, thawing my mind and muscles. It’s like a blanket that warms my heart and ignites the inward, hidden parts of my soul. Mornings are my favourite; the beauty of sun light, drinking in it’s warmth on my face and sipping from a steaming mug.

I am smitten with the sun. The warmth reminds me of love.

Or a friend seated across the room in the cozy chair, warming my heart.

Or resting my head on a friend’s shoulder letting the fuzzy warmth of her hug flow through me. The kind of warmth that clicks your bones back into place, smooths out your muscles and make your blood sing a soft lullaby all the way around your body.

Love is that micro-moment of connection that you share with another living being; showing some warmth to get warmth in return.

I smile with relief knowing somebody found ways to love me.

Love comforts, it is gentle, it is warm and you can feel it within your entire being.

Like dozens of luxurious satiny pillows, embracing you from all directions into safe lulling warmth, isolating you from the sharp cold edges of the world.

“If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.” (Lucy Larcom)

Love is so irresistibly beautiful…

Our love should radiate like the sun, warming everything it touches.

Imagine that the sun is shining in your heart. Allow it to light it up so that there are no dark corners.

Everything is pure and clear and the warmth of the sun in your heart fills you from head to toe with a sense of wellbeing.

Let it surround you with the feeling of a warm embrace.

Open your heart as wide as you can so that the sun in your heart has a chance to go as far as possible with its beautiful rays of light and its nourishing strengths.

Let it shine upon the people near to you. Let your heart bring warmth and love to the people that you know or can think of, have heard about or seen, or just assume to be there.

The sun is capable of nurturing growth. Feel love take root in your heart and spring upward.

The more strength it has, the more warmth others will feel.

Give the gift of love and compassion and care and concern.


All the statistics in the world can’t measure the warmth of a smile.

It expresses love and tenderness.

Keep each other warm. Share your strengths.

Feel the buoyancy and the lightness that comes from giving love. Your heart will light up, and be nourished.

The sun on my face and in my heart reminds me of warmth, clarity, and deep satisfaction.

Try it. Turn your face upward and let the the sun warm you through and through.

Bask in the moment. Experience the warmth. Feel the refreshing.

(And should the sun be hiding behind a cloud where you live…open your heart, it feels pretty much the same.)


The WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Warmth

What a Seed Teaches Us About Life


deeclarknz.comI received the following comment from A Momma’s View on my blog Multiplied Love from yesterday.

“So well said and such a beautiful way to look at it! Actually interesting that we always talk about dividing and not multiplying!”

As I was writing my response to her kind comment, I decided that I wanted to share both with you.

My response: “I’m not sure why we talk about dividing. I think the idea of multiplying can be overwhelming, as if we think we can’t handle more. But I truly believe that we were fashioned for abundance. To me, that means our capacity is so much greater than we can imagine. Nature is all about multiplying. One grain of corn will multiply into many meals. A single apple seed will one day produce enough fruit to feed a family, possibly a neighborhood. On and on. I think we can learn to live higher. Multiplying the resources within us will lead us toward a flourishing life.”

A flourishing life.

Wouldn’t that be a fabulous goal to aspire to?

Isn’t it really what we all are secretly hoping for?

Isn’t it the very reason we drop to our knees in tears when disappointment strikes?

I was thinking about that apple tree or any fruit tree, really.

When a fruit tree produces loads of beautifully sweet fruit, we remark, “My fruit tree is flourishing”. Right? The seed has multiplied what it was into a flourishing bountiful tree.

But that fruit tree didn’t just start flourishing.

There was a process that occurred over time.

First, someone took a seed, prepared it properly for planting. Found just the right soil and nutrients in which to bury it.

That seed was placed in rich, dark dirt, where it dies. Yip, what it is now has to die. The potential of the fruit lies sleeping in the current form. Unless a change takes place no fruit will ever appear.

We fight the process. We fight the necessary changes. We weep over the loss of what we are at this moment. Shoot, I have even had a quite a few melt-downs along my journey. It can be painful. It can be uncomfortable. Fear of letting go of what is familiar (what I am now and the way I cope) to grasp the unfamiliar (our potential) is paralysing.

But it’s ok. You are alright. You are going to be fine. In fact, you are going to be better than fine. You are going to flourish. You are going to be everything you were designed to be. And, honestly, it is going to be better than you imagine.

You can hold onto your little seed. But a wise man once said, “I assure you: Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself. But if it dies, it produces a large crop.”

It remains “by itself”. Dear one, do you know what that phrase means? It means alone. Alone.

That same wise man said that “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.”

I sat with a friend one time. Tears streaming down her face because the father of her child did not want her or the most beautiful child in the world. They were not married and she was desperate to be a family. I explained that letting go of something that constantly brought pain and tears was hard. But as long as she was clinging to this dysfunctional relationship, she could not be ready to grab hold of a really good one. If she allowed this dream of a family to be planted, the old way of being, to die, one day she would not recognise her new life compared to it’s current state.

Well, she stopped clinging to her life as it was. She let what wasn’t working die. And when I saw her last year, she was flourishing. She was.

I get that it was all she had at the time. I get that. But it wasn’t what she really wanted her life to look like. She didn’t want someone who didn’t give love. She didn’t want someone who tolerated her at his convenience. She wanted more.

By letting go, she multiplied. And she is not alone.

Now, does that mean her life is perfect? Is your? Mine’s not. Because the process does not stop once abundance shows up.

There is now pruning to do. There will be things that begin to grow that suck the life out of you. The fruit producing parts of life can not compete with the stuff that eats up all your nutrients and reserves. For the multiplying to continue, you have to keep letting go of the things that are holding back your growth.

So, I ask you, do you feel alone? If the answer is no. Awesome! You might be right in your sweet spot. If you are not feeling alone, then are you frustrated? Again, if no, you are probably flourishing.

However, if you feel alone – try getting by yourself for a little heart to heart with YOU. Not many people enjoy the stillness but you need to ask yourself some questions. Do you need to change something? Do you need to fix something? Maybe you are angry more than happy. Maybe things just never seem to work out like you planned. These are indicators. Look for the deeper causes. What do you need to let go of?

If you do not feel alone but are feeling frustrated, maybe it’s time for a little pruning to take place. What is zapping you of your energy? Are you over committed? Have you allowed old attitudes or behaviours to re-establish themselves. Is it time to cut some things off?

I have experienced a lot a grief in my life. I have grieved loss in many forms. Grieving never really goes away completely when we are talking about the loss of a loved one. Fear of experiencing that loss again became the way I approached my life.

When I first came to NZ, I was overwhelmed by prices. Food that I could buy at home for very little cost, was expensive. I like to use lemons in a lot of my recipes. I also love freshly squeezed lemonade. The price of lemons was about $15 per kg the first time I went to buy them. I made a decision to buy them anyway. I brought them home and placed them in a beautiful bowl and set them on the table. Then I stood guard over them. I did not want to waste them and I didn’t want anyone else to either. I was fearful that I would not be able to buy more at that price and I didn’t want to lose even one of them. I admired them. I never used them. One day I walked past the table and my beautiful lemons weren’t beautiful any longer. They had rotted. Every last one of them. Gone. I tried to hold onto them and lost them anyway.

Life is like that. What we desperately try to hold onto stagnates. Molds. Gets really stinky and rotten.

And we aren’t truly living. We aren’t multiplying, increasing or growing.

Life is a process of taking who we are, refining our behaviours, and letting go of the unfulfilling aspects so that we can have the abundance that our heart is truly desiring.

When we do…we flourish and our potential is realised.

What do you think? Do you want to multiply or divide? Do you want to let go in order to gain?

Why not start today?





Multiplied Love

The heart has an amazing capacity for love. It expands so that love can be multiplied. You don’t have to worry, your heart will work with you. The more you fill it, the more it can take! Even if broken, it won’t leak. You might think it can’t take anymore, but it can. It will mend and get right back to the work it does best…loving.

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

deeclarknz.comI have many wonderful friends and family who have contributed to the success of my blog by sharing their artistic flare through photography. A little over a year ago, I met some of my mother’s family living in Mexico. Andrea LeKare is my cousin’s 15 year old daughter who is passionate about photography, modelling and many other common, teenage interests. When Andrea agreed to contribute her photos to my blog, I found these photos and have been waiting for an opportunity to highlight her beautiful work. I think that they fit nicely for this week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Refraction.


I think the photos are stunning. I hope that you enjoy.


The One You Will Never Lose

She is always there.

Will you accept her?

Will you love her?

Will you value her?

Will you esteem her?

If you will, there will always be someone in the room who accepts her.

She, my dear, is YOU.

(A Word A Week Challange: Chilled)