The Importance of Stewardship

  It was love at first site for me. I was totally and completely smitten. Although, not everyone understood why. I’m not sure I did exactly. I think it was a “short-girl thing”. 

My family had moved into a new community my Senior year of high school. I was feeling pretty nervous those first few weeks and months. Until, Warren Mahan drove up one day. My eyes lit up. As soon as he jumped out of the car, I ran over with excitement and intrigue. I knew in that moment that I was in love…

With his car!

What did you think I was talking about? 

He drove a VW Bug and I thought it was the cutest little thing I had ever seen.

Oh, the “short-girl” thing. You see, my parents always drove these huge cars. The kind that look like a cruise liner coming down the road. That was a problem for me. Being 5’1″, I could never see over the hood of the car, parallel parking was a nightmare and feeding the gas tank was like trying to feed a grizzly bear.

But the VW Bug wasn’t like that. It was small like me. I could easily see over it’s nose. Shoot, it even had curves everywhere like I did.

A dream was born in my heart.
I was into my 40’s and had just gone through a pretty ugly divorce when I was finally able to buy my first Bug. (That’s right, I’ve owned two and would have another in a heartbeat!)

I loved that car! I know, it’s not the same as real love but let’s just go with it. I loved that car.

And I was a good steward over that car. I was careful with it. I kept it clean inside and out. I made sure it was serviced regularly. It was my baby and I had waited a long time to have it in my life. I didn’t want ANYTHING to mess that up.

You could say, I was protective. Maybe a wee bit over protective like a father of a newly dating teenage girl. Just Maybe.

However, my stewardship paid off. She was a great little car and everything I had hoped she would be. 

I’ve learned over the years that if you care about something or someone, stewardship is a value key to protecting it. 

Growing too familiar causes us not to give the care, respect and honor that is required. 

You might have a career, a dream or relationship that means a great deal to you. Maintaining it’s value to your life requires that you be a good steward. Sometimes, we have to adjust an attitude or work on our behaviour or give respect or be less selfish. It can be hard work. That’s why courage is required.

The root word “cour” means heart. When we are courageous we go with our whole heart. When we put our heart into something, we give it the very essence of who we are.

It can be easy to lose heart. 

Especially when our heart is broken. And love isn’t the only thing that breaks the heart. However, we can’t afford to lose heart and not protect the things and people we really care about.

Good stewardship is one of the ways of living that I protect. It’s a discipline that has benefited every area of my life.

If it’s worth having, it’s worth looking after.

Do you have an area of your life that could use a little extra TLC? Your health? Your marriage? Your job? Or Your confidence? Your healthy boundaries? Your wholeness?

Even when things are messy, I’ve found that I can turn things around by getting my heart back in the game. A little TLC works wonders.


Trusting Yourself to Go for The Adventure 

There’s always that moment when you’re about to step forward into something new that you hesitate. You stop and wonder, “Should I really go for it?” 

You look back and wonder if you should remain in your comfort zone.
Girl, gone on…there’s an adventure waiting for you. Trust yourself to go for it.
Let’s make this Fearless Friday! What do you say?
Journey on,


Photo credit: thanks to Ginny Barnes Photography

I’m So Glad You Are Here

Welcome! I am so happy that you have decided to follow my blog and I want you to know that you matter to me! I want to welcome all of you who liked the blog and my Facebook page this week, shared a post, shared a thought or just stopped by to read a post! I am grateful for each of you.

I find so much joy interacting with all of you. You each have shared with me from your heart and I am grateful.
My college friend, Jeannie, shared this with me this week:
“Oil and perfume make the heart glad; So does the sweetness of a friend’s counsel that comes from the heart.” ~Proverbs
This is a perfect picture of the beauty of women sharing heart to heart. It is sweet and makes the heart glad!
Jeannie, Thank you!
I hope your heart was encourage, inspired and a little happier!
I look forward to seeing you often and please keep talking to me. Share a story or an experience. Let’s keep the conversations going! It’s sweet!
Journey on,


  We all have that someone. Let me be honest, I have been that voice before. In my brokenness, I was guilty of being a voice with the wrong message. Here’s the horrifying thing about that message: it echoes on long after I forgot what I said, long after I have moved on and longer than I ever imagined.

How do I know?
Because, someone once spoke a similar message to me. That message shows up every time I need to be courageous and brave.
It’s designed to make me doubt myself.
Silence the “You are not enough” message. 
Don’t doubt yourself. Be courageous. Be compassionate (to yourself). Be brave.

Give Yourself What Other Can’t

There is nothing more heartbreaking than the disappointment we feel when a person in our life can not give us what we deserve.

But people can not give us what they do not have.
Sometimes, you have to give yourself what they can’t. And it’s important that you do this without resenting them. 
Resentment clogs the heart. Keep your heart open.

How To Give Up Your Hope For A Better Past

Forgiveness gives us an opportunity. When we forgive, we let go of the hope for a better past. 

We can not make the past better than it was or change what it is.
We can do the intentional, purposeful work of healing from our past.
And we will find the opportunity and freedom to create a better present and future.
Journey on,


A Valuable Key To Whole-Hearted Living

According to researcher and author, Brene Brown, people who live whole-heartedly and experience more joy cultivate an atmosphere of gratitude in their lives.

The most valuable way I have found to do this is to pay attention and celebrate the small stuff. 

We can all get excited over the dream vacation, huge holiday celebrations or our favorite team’s landslide win.

But the purest joy comes from the things that ordinary days are made of celebrated each moment of the day. You know, the things we sometimes take for granted.

It’s the small things that give life it’s interesting flavour like the sprinkled cinnamon that tops my chai latte. 

If you are looking for fuller joy and the ability to engaged more whole-heartedly, the most valuable key is to celebrate the small stuff and cultivate greater levels of gratitude in your everyday life.

Journey on,
