
Finishing a book is bittersweet. You spend days getting to know the characters. Learning their nuances, their faults, their loves, their lives. They become your friends, acquaintances, enemies. And after the story ends, you miss them. Eventually you realise they aren’t a part of your world, you were just briefly visiting theirs.” ~Unknown

(photo provided by my sister, Evie Hartness)

Memories, even bittersweet ones, are better than nothing. ~Jennifer Armentrout

It’s kind of bittersweet. The human spirit is not measured by the size of the act, but by the size of the heart. ~Yakov Smirnoff

Happiness. Simple as a glass of chocolate or tortuous as the heart. Bittersweet. Alive.” ― Joanne Harris, Chocolat

I adore the word bittersweet. I guess it because it describes so many moments in my life. Some days, I am ambivalent about that fact but even the bitter parts can taste the sweetest eventually.

My chocolate…must never be bittersweet, though. Never!


One Word Weekly Photo Challenge: Bittersweet

8 things to do when your heart is looking back to the past

20130824-145527.jpg (photo credit: Maxine on Facebook)

sometimes, living in your present circumstances can be like a roller coaster for your heart. the heart longs for the past where the memories feel less-complicated, care-free or painless.

i understand. take it a day, hour, minute at a time.

you will get through this time and be on to the next life phase soon.

1. remember to take care of yourself
2. look for a way to enjoy, relax and rejuvenate in each day
3. take advantage of this time to learn about yourself, what you want going forward & how you refrain from cycling back to this point.
4. reach outward. a great way to get your mind off the situations is helping others (I say that lot)
5. cherish great memories but don’t mourn for them too long…live forward.
6. create fresh memories of some kind everyday…
7. count your blessings…name them one by one!!!!
8. let go when you can…the future awaits

if you need a chuckle at times like these, Maxine on Facebook check her out! she’s a hoot.

have an awesome weekend.

i have in-laws coming so i might be away for a day or two…

see you soon,

she has a beautiful heart

beautiful heart/insight from a woman's heart

i sit and watch her from my chair

the morning sun upon her hair

wisps of blonde and brilliant red

like fire, rest upon her head

the kitchen counter full of spills

cereal, noodles, sugar, peels …

the mess is mine when she is done

but for the moment it’s all big fun

and as she stirs this mix with love

she beams a grin of pride~

for as she plays she opens wide

a heart of golden hues

she makes a gift to give away

and me…the mess…excused

this little one is mine to guide

toward beauty from the soul

i take the gift and know it’s true

there’s love within her bowl.

beautiful girls/insight from a woman's heart

my daughter and grand-daughter both have beautiful hearts.

they are truely my treasures.

i am feeling very grateful for the beauty in my life today!

i hope you have a beauty-full day as well!

thanks for stopping by…