Do Your Best, Work From The Heart

Do your best.

That is excellence.

Excellence is working from the heart.

Passion fuels the effort.

The result is a job well done. Quality.

The reward is satisfaction.

It is not perfection.

For perfection drives the soul.

Criticizes and shames the heart.

The result is unrecognised quality.

The reward is often dissatisfaction -being left believing you still missed the mark.

Doing your best with who you are and the skill you have at the moment is all you can expect of yourself. Applying a standard of excellence to what you do provides you the opportunity to keep learning, gaining and obtaining more skill.

Expecting only perfection is stressful, discouraging and pressure. You may be tempted to not even try unless you are convinced you won’t make a mess of things.

Take the pressure off of yourself.

Do your best.

And you can’t lose.