We Are Learning As We Go 


Yeah, the good old days for me are what they are. But at this stage in my life, I am happy to leave them in the past. All the good, the bad and the ugly. All the triumphs and mistakes alike.


I’ve made my share. Haven’t you?

I think it’s understandable because none of us have done this before. It’s all new. 

All brand new. 

Each day, each step.

And because we are experiencing a lifetime of firsts, we are in a constant state of learning.

Like students, life students.

And students are not masters. They make mistakes. 

But we’re all doing our best because that’s what good students do.

We might have to do a few re-do’s or retake a test or two.

Give yourself a break. Relax. Be kind to YOU. 

You’re doing your best.

Keep learning.

It’s all useful on your life journey.

5 thoughts on “We Are Learning As We Go 

    • Then you are wiser…cause you’ve learned (as we all do) what doesn’t work. I’ve had to correct lots of my messes in my 54 years but I’ve survived everyone one of them…most are recoverable. So, keep learning. Do the best you can with each day…and when you reach my age, you’ll be amazed at what you learned through it all.

      Thank you for reading and commenting.

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