A Leap of Faith

deeclarknz.com  Have you ever had to make a leap of faith? A few years back, my husband and I attended a director’s meeting that turned our world upside down. We walked away with that sinking feeling that life was about to change drastically. We were standing at the cliff-edge of decision. All options before us left us feeling uncertain. To stay where we were would eventually mean devastation. To leap would mean…well, we didn’t know what the leap would mean. deeclarknz.com  Staring at the fall distance is definitely the hardest. Stepping off of the safety of what is known feels like you are about to drop through the depths of darkness to your death. We had questions. They made our heads spin: How did this happen? What does it really mean? Could we make this go away? Did we misunderstand? Is this for real? Is our dream over? What do we do now? To be honest, we had more questions than answers and more tears than we cared to cry. Ok, I was the one shedding tears. My husband was his usual determined, “never give up” self and already measuring the leap distance. And before I could blink the tears from my eyes, he was preparing to jump.deeclarknz.com  He did ask if the ground would be solid under him when he stepped off the edge. But as you can probably guess, he was told that he needed to step first before he would know for sure. Yeah well, he wasn’t the stepping kind. He’s a leaper.deeclarknz.comHere’s why:

  1. Staying where we were watered down our vision. 
  2. Leaping or staying both meant pain.
  3. We understood what we did (produce oysters) and that we did it well.
  4. We believed in our purpose and knew we had not fulfilled it.
  5. We weren’t afraid of a challenge.
  6. When you’re at the edge you have to either go forward or backward. If you go forward, you have to jump.deeclarknz.com We did the unexpected and took a leap of faith. We took the unexpected option. The other directors were left with their mouths hanging open and a failed plan. Don’t get me wrong, what they took could be considered a win (at first glance). They may have even snickered a little as they watched us suspended in the air.deeclarknz.com We released fear and doubt. We embraced the unknown and uncertainty. We placed our hope and trust, not in our company or possessions, in our God. We overcame the obstacles…deeclarknz.com And we didn’t fall. We started over and the possibilities before us are amazing. Sometimes I pinch him…you know, to make sure we’re not dreaming (that’s my story; sticking to it). Don’t get me wrong, it’s been hard work, faith-testing, and at times terrifying…But it was worth it.

“The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you are no longer willing to stay where you are.” ~Unknown

Are you standing on the edge? 

Are you going to stay where you are or







One Word Photo Challenge: Shamrock

23 thoughts on “A Leap of Faith

  1. Pingback: One Word Photo Challenge: Copper | Jennifer Nichole Wells

    • You are very welcome. When I began my blog that was my original thought that the heart of women are very similar in the things we face. I like how Glennon of Momastery puts it: “we are a sisterhood and we belong to each other.” We never know how sharing what we are going through helps others know they are not alone or the only one who is/has facing/faced what is in front of them. All the best as you make those important decisions!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Dee, thank you for sharing your blog leap of faith, it reminds me of the time I had to take a leap of faith after losing £40,000 ponds(approx $60,000) after the business I started after being made redundant after 30years as a Sales Manager. My leap of faith took me straight to paul’s scripture were he tells us everything is possible through CHRIST.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Alex. My husband always says, “Never give up”. My husband and I had started this business as well and we lost everything. It was heartbreaking but what we have now after starting over is many times better and growing further and faster. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I know the courage that you had to have. Yeah, and good ole Paul has some pretty good advice.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m very familiar with jete-ing across to unknown landings. I am more apt to leap with God than to take the actual leap seen in your photos (fear of heights, ya know–guess that’s another blog we could tackle). Beautiful site, Dee! Looking forward to reading more. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think that was why I could make the connection. I have no fear of heights (mine is of water) so I got up their and jumped right off. My husband wouldn’t even consider it. His brother and owner jumped from half height. And countless other stood for ages staring and shaking before leaping or walking away. Thanks for reading!


    • You are very welcome. The key for us was to be true to our overall purpose, principles and family goal. The leap was difficult because we lost everything. However, we also got a clean slate financially (and have subsequently been debt-free for 4 years-What a blessing that has been!), learned so many lessons, became stronger as a couple, and got the opportunity to start over (because no one can take your knowledge, experience and determination). We are so much further ahead now than we had even hoped to be and it really has shown us to trust…things always work out for our good. There is a good future and plan for all of us and we don’t have to fear the process, even when painful.

      My hope is that your leap will be the same…the best move you’ve ever made.

      Be encouraged.


  4. This is a AWESOME post! Leaps of faith can be so hard, but sometimes so very worth it and when you are putting your Trust in God, you can’t go wrong. So glad things are working out for you amidst the hard times. Thanks for the encouraging post and the pictures with this post really adds to it! Great job! Blessings to you!

    Liked by 1 person

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